XMRP®Next generation aftersales MRP system
With our proprietary machine learning algorithms, XMRP® helps manufacturers with a large dataset to maintain an optimum level of safety stock of the service parts across all repair centres globally.
Predict the next 3, 6, 12 months or entire service lifetime after-sales parts safety stock and reduce the impact of disruptions.
Increase efficiencies and reduce costs on excess inventory across worldwide repair centers. XMRP helps correlate excess stock so users can make faster decisions.
In times of unpredictable global component shortages, Last-Time-Buy planner helps you to collaborate with your upstream suppliers effectively.
Lack of inventory visibility is a significant challenge. EOL planner helps you to predict the service parts requirements for your EOL products.
Create branch, site and region according to your organisation charts. Incorporating the principle of least privilege (POLP), with our user access level and zone permission, you can allocate zones that are absolutely required for each user to perform routine and legitimate activities, improving security and enhancing each user’s learning curve.
No matter where the product data is, on ERP, MES, internal systems, or spreadsheets, all related product data can come into DUGAA systems. We bring manufacturers’ product data to life and help companies to build resiliency into the supply chain.
See how DUGAA systems check the Data quality for your product data.
Dedicated aftersales MRP system to help you gain visibility and prediction thorough out entire product service lifetime and optimise worldwide inventory. Manage from new product introduction(NPI), product repair material requirements to end-of-life(EOL) complete lifecycle.
Serve your regional customers with satisfaction. Prepare optimal level for repair parts inventory to support service and achieve turn-around-time target. Reduce or eliminate manual processes of excess stock management, and get real-time actionable insights.
XMRP helps purchasing department in the headquarters and regional offices streamline regional aftersales parts connectivity and increase transparency across supply chain. Take timely action to optimise worldwide inventory and unlock cost savings opportunities.
Be a technology enabler, not a technology gatekeeper! The IT team only needs to assist with initial setups to facilitate the historical data and ongoing data to XMRP. After that, your users become self-sufficient and they can handle their mission-critical tasks on their own.
From selling the products to managing EOL, XMRP helps you to build trust and establish lasting relationships with your customers. Be effective in communication and providing accurate information on complex aftersales-related matters, you’re freed up to focus on what really matters: the sales KPI and growth.
Monitor and gain visibility for regional and global aftersales services. XMRP helps companies digitize error-prone manual processes to drive customer satisfaction and achieve profitability, gain competitive advantage and stay market leader within your industry.
Companies are facing increasing expectations from their clients to be environmentally conscious. Manufacturers should not only have sustainability and climate strategies for product production, but the journey should also extend to the after-sales activities or even the entire product lifecycle.
With XMRP, you can optimise after-sales material planning for your worldwide operations, be proactive, avoid business disruptions and be a pioneer of ESG and sustainability.