Increase workflow efficiency.
Provide RMA service better and faster.
Gain insights to your worldwide RMA performance.

Welcome to RMAONE®

We continuously bring enhancements and improvements to RMAONE®. The new features respond to a critical and long awaited industry need.

RMA analytics by Workflow / Branch / Client

RMAONE processes the data from different workflows such as Repair, DOA and Rework in real-time. You can filter the results by global branches or any worldwide client. All the data is presented to you in a clear and easy to understand monthly bar chart. The raw data is also available for export.

RMA Item analytics by Workflow / Branch / Client / Model

Item level analytics in real-time. RMAONE item analytics is a simple yet powerful way to get insight about your products, RMA items among your global branches and your clients. Simply select the related filters and the results will instantly appear as monthly bar chart. In addition to the charts, the raw data is available for export.

Multiple Workflows and Multi-Branch Workflows

New RMAONE allows multiple workflows. RMAONE now comes with 3 standard workflows which accommodates the best practices in the industry.

In addition, customers can request new workflows including workflow-stages, which all can be configured for you.

Each workflow has DUGAA’s Zone permissions and access level control enabled. This means every stage can be allocated to different user(s).

Each workflow is aware of each branch and all branches can safely share the same workflow without overlapping any RMA or repair data.

Ensure your business continuity across the globe with DUGAA systems.

The work from home era! Work From Home (WFH) brings challenges to global enterprise.

The biggest problem with WFH is that companies have to choose between too much information (Data Leak) or too little information (Poor Performance). By using DUGAA Zone Permissions, you can ensure every employee have access to the right amount of information for the zones that are allowed to be displayed.

Distribute the jobs among 100’s of administrators and 1000’s of clients with simple and straight forward licensing. At DUGAA we do not charge our customers per-user-license, we charge based on soft-limits.

Branch Overview Dashboard

You can get to know the current status of all branches at a glance.
If current status in real-time is not enough how about knowing the future RMA in every branch?

You are able to view what RMA items are being processed by clients but still haven't been submitted for RMA Authorization.

You can achieve this thanks to our unique sandbox architecture which even allows rma-admins to assist rma-clients.

Now you can truly prepare in advance because you can accurately see into the future.

TAT Timeline to Millisecond precision

RMAONE TAT (Turn-Around-Time) Timeline. The Start, Pause and End settings can be configured per workflow and per stage. RMAONE track the time spent in each stage to Millisecond precision but rounded up into seconds and also displays human readable days, hours, minutes and seconds, helping you gain insights and improve workflow efficiency.

RMAONE TAT is the most sophisticated TAT ever for any RMA System to date. The TAT is aware of paused stages and situations that item travels backward in workflow.

Finally, for every RMA item, you can check the full time-line of events. All events are functionally color coded to improve user experience.

Plus many other improvements…
Manufacture data import by CSV files

Besides importing the *.JSON format and API, RMAONE now supports batch data imports using CSV format, helping you to bring in the manufacture data even easier. The CSV batch import data still follows our strong Data-Quality checks. Every import produces a report file which explains any problem with your data and how to solve it.

Batch submission, itemized repair journey

Your clients can submit multiple items in 1 RMA. Once you authorize it, you can start the repair process for each single item independently. Instead of waiting for all the items to be finished in certain stage and then move to next stage. The item that is repaired can be shipped as soon as it is ready, helping to you achieve SLA and increase customer satisfaction.

Write private notes and upload private files

Admin staff now can upload files that are only readable by internal staff. For example, private repair reports, logs, pictures that are for company-use only. Also adding the private note to every repair reason so that the staff or engineers who handle different stages of the workflow can read through to catch up what was left or attention note from previous stage.

Display content to client differently

Some information you wish to keep it accurate for internal use only, but at the same time, you need to provide general explanation to your clients. RMAONE make it happen for you. The repair code and repair material information, all can be maintained easily with different descriptions to cater Admin view and Client view purpose.

New way to manage repair codes and locations

Organize the repair codes by various sections, for example, Visual Inspection, Function Test, Repair Code and more. Import thousands of your materials with part numbers and costs in one go and batch update the data when necessary.

Multiple product sales-warranty records update

Previously the warranty update was limited to 2 tiers of clients. With RMAONE, you can update the date of sales with new warranty policy for any of your client multiple times. This means accurate warranty for any item anywhere in the supply chain.

Trace Product data, RMA data, Repair data

Improved traceability function in RMAONE. Besides primary product serial number, mac number information, and return counts, TRACER now can trace the product data with multiple warranty updates to each client. With 1 click, you will know where the items are located at which stage for every RMA number.

Powerful search and convenient export

Nearly every zone in the RMAONE comes with search function - in every stage of RMA, in managing repair codes, in detailed logs and more. You can easily search the information and export the onscreen data for further usage.

Full features of RMAONE®
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